Sam - How To Expat
Sam - How To Expat

Should You Be A Longer Term Expat Or A Digital Nomad?

Digital Nomad Or Long Term Expat?

We thought about that a lot lately, mostly because we have to renew our visa next year. And since we heard of so many people talking about their visa getting rejected or not renewed for 3 years but just 1 year. We were thinking what if we try the digital normal way and just stay in Colombia for 6 months out of the year?

Truth is, the digital nomad way would be easier because we wouldn’t need to worry about the visa, taxes and other things. But, we are not really keen of the idea of only spending 6 months in Colombia per year. We prefer to settle somewhere and actually stay there.

In this video, I will talk about our thought process and maybe this will help you to make your own decision of whether you want to be a long term expat or rather a digital nomad/slow traveler.

Thanks for watching!

The post Should You Be A Longer Term Expat Or A Digital Nomad? appeared first on How To Expat.

Sam and Tacha
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Our mission is to help fellow Expats and Soon-To-Be Expats, to start their journey, avoid Gringo Prices, and settle down hassle free.

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  • Culture Fanatics
  • Dog Lovers
  • Colombia Enthusiasts
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