Sam - How To Expat
Sam - How To Expat

Medellin Furnished Apartment

Furnished Apartment | Ultimate Guide with Prices

The demand for furnished apartments in Medellin with reasonable prices are pretty high these days.

If you’re planning on staying for less than 3-4 months in Medellin, it wouldn’t make any sense to rent an unfurnished apartment. You will surely pay more for a furnished apartment but still it makes clearly more sense.

So, how do you find a furnished apartment in Medellin? We ALWAYS recommend Airbnb. They have so many types of apartments, from shared to the whole apartment. From small and simple to huge, luxurious apartments.

We started with a shared Airbnb when we first came to Medellin, in order to meet new people here and to get to know the culture better that way. After that we were looking for the right area to live in and booked several Airbnb’s for around 2 weeks to see if that area would be for us.

In the video Sam will share some insider tips with you. That way you should be able to get a great deal for your stay in Medellin.

The post Medellin Furnished Apartment appeared first on How To Expat.

Sam and Tacha
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